institute to-date

An idea for something like a game: “Here Institute” is a multimodal performance consists of the interactive and communal fabulation of a seemingly academic institute and the institutional trappings which constitute it. The first mode of the performance consists of the performer entering a particular academic or professional context (such as a classroom, a meeting, conference, etc.). There, the performer solicits and presents improvised names of absent, absurd, or impossible institutional centers which the group will then collectively begin to story as if they were true. The second mode of this performance consists of fellows of these fabulated centers & departments—makers, performers, and researchers—performing creative labor in the name of their respective centers & departments. The third mode of this performance takes the form of a website containing the institute and its many sub-organizations, each of which may exist simply by name or as constituted by the work and projects of the fellows. A current example of these three modes at play includes one fellow producing work in the name of the Department of Dance Utility in which she remaps public transportation with site-specific dance performances and an interactive online map which replaces the bus stops with video documentation of these performances. I have also been developing work as part of a Department of Dance Utility and Department of Bureaucratic Play collaboration, teaching makers and movers to rethink their relationship to space through understanding the mechanisms that impede their movement (in particular, learning how to pick locks).

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